Video Documentation


Collaborative Art Projects

FRAGMENTARIUM / 2011 /a multi-disciplinary experiment oriented towards site specific performances and video art. It gathers a group of artists with different backgrounds: visual arts, choreographers, performers, etc.

Project director: Alexandru Patatics // Producer: FORMAT Foundation

Financed by: Administration of the National Cultural Funds Romania (AFCN) Partners: National Arts University, Bucharest (UNAB) & OBLICA Association.

FRAGMENTARIUM / group performance / Kamen Bryag - BG / video edited by Alexandru Patatics

FRAGMENTARIUM - Elena Copuzeanu & Bogdan Draganescu - performance / video edited by Alexandru Patatics

FRAGMENTARIUM / mirroring performance (Moara lui Hassan) - performance / video edited by Alexandru Patatics

Mihaela Dancs - “aproape sincron” (almost sincron dance) - performance / video edited by Alexandru Patatics

Bogdan Draganescu / timelapse performance / video edited by Alexandru Patatics


Video Projects / Films

CLEVELANDERS - Photographic Media (Platinum Palladium) & Video Documentary Art Project /remake after Krzysztof Kieslowski's 'Gadajace glowy' ('Talking Heads') - presented in “6 Interventions” - group exhibition, Creative Fusion Event - ArtCraft Building, Cleveland USA (2015)


Sound Projects


Introspective #5 - Micleusanu M. / A. Patatics (sound art & video media event)
Hosted by ODD at TRANZIT Art Gallery, Bucharest, Romania (2018)


The Attic “InContext” / photography and sound recordings - Alexandru Patatics / editing - Mitos Micleusanu, Slănic Moldova (2018)