Alexandru Patatics / Biography


Romanian visual artist. University lecturer at the National University of Arts, Bucharest. Founder of F O R M A T Foundation and Nettime-ro communication channel (, Member of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA). Curator of various interdisciplinary collaborative projects. His visual installations and media and video-film projects have been presented in various art exhibitions such as Venice Biennale, Sao Paulo Biennale, ICC Tokyo, ZKM Karlsruhe, Creative Fusion-The Cleveland Foundation, USA.

1963 - Born in Timișoara, Romania
Studies: 1982 - High School of Fine Arts, Timisoara; 1986-91 Academy of Visual Arts, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 2010 – Doctoral thesis "Visual Object in Post-Media Context" - National University of Arts Bucharest, UNAB

2000 – Founder of F O R M A T foundation and nettime-ro communication channel (, along with the nettime European lists, dedicated to criticism and contemporary visual arts, made with new technologies. Since 2004 – lecturer at the National University of Arts Bucharest, UNAB, FVPCI section (photo-video and computerized image processing); since 2006 - a member of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA).

Professional activity

art projects, curation, exhibitions:

2021 - In/Out - (performative project Uniejow, PL) / video-installation presented at SNAC 2021 - National Contemporary Art Exhibition / Plastic Fund Complex / The Institute space

2021 - LIVE stream - SNAC 2021- Galeria S.E.N.A.T. / Streamed live on 5 Nov 2021: F O R M A T Foundation - Alexandru Patatics

2020 - Alexandru Patatics: online coordination / live video channel / zoom for AICA-Ro Conference "Art of the '90s in Romania and Eastern Europe: Connections, contrasts, recoveries", the online conference launched by Horea Avram through the International Association of Art Critics - AICA Romania.

2020 - Post Music 24: Alexandru Patatics - Scene 9 // the 24th LIVE edition of the POST MUSIC program curated by Mitoș Micleușanu.

2020 - 'Still life 2020' - Video installation - is a work that addresses the current context of distance and solitude through a quote from a video installation made by Bill Viola, in 1983 "Room for St. John of the Cross". Presented at Art Safari, Bucharest, 2020 - Contemporary Art Pavilion "Bucharest School", within the Art Safari Temporary Museum, organized between September 11 and September 20, 2020 curator: Antigona-Silvia Rogozea

2020 - ASEPTIC - group exhibition in the space of a virtual gallery ( - Curators: Horea Avram and Adrian Grecu

2019 - "In-Out, 5 minutes blindfold" - video-performance - CEPUS “Poetry, Public Space and Radical Gestures Project” - 31/03/2019 - 07/04/2019 - Uniejów, Poland.

2019 - UNTITLED (April 4, 2019), group exhibition of the Photography and Dynamic Image Department of the National University of Arts Bucharest. Ilfoveanu Cultural Foundation Gallery, Pitesti, Argeș County

2018 – "InContext" - participation in the audio installation / experiment, together with Mitos Micleusanu, Tg. Ocna Saltmine

2016 – "Bucharest-a vernacular street view" - 15.06-15.11.2016 - initiator and director of a collaborative visual project financed by the "In-Visible Bucharest" project competition Arcub and Bucharest City Hall. Partners UNAB, MMB, MNIR, Central School, Bucharest.

2015 – "Artist presentation: Alexandru Patatics" MNAC (16.10.15) - interviewed by Adrian Guta as part of the series of meetings and debates within the exhibition "Bucharestian artistic education and Romanian art after 1950" (curator Adrian Guta)

2015 - 6 Interventions - group exhibition: Creative Fusion Event - ArtCraft Building, Cleveland USA curator: Alexandru Patatics

2015 -„CLEVELANDERS” – 54 min. video-film & alternative process PtPd photo installation -artist, director, editor: Alexandru Patatics --remake after Krzysztof Kieslowski's 'Gadające głowy' ('Talking Heads') 'Clevelanders', part of the Cleveland Foundation’s Spring 2015 Creative Fusion International Artists in Residence - Ingenuity Cleveland Foundation, Cleveland, USA

2014 - Andy Warhol - Screen tests -remake (installation) - Alexandru Patatics - „What About Y(our) Memory” –– MNAC (et.4), București, Curators : Ioji Kiraly, Irina Cios

2014 - 'CUT-OUTS' - video installation - 3 + 10. MNAC - Artistic education in Bucharest and Romanian art after 1950 - Exhibition on the 150th anniversary of the National University of Arts, Curator: Adrian Guta, MNAC (et.2), Bucharest

2014 - LIVE4NAG#8 - curator of the program presented at UNAgaleria during NAG#8 (23.05.2014) - White Night of Galleries NAG#8 - with 'live' video material presented publicly and documented on the YouTube internet at: .com-watch?v=B5-14SskrNU, followed by the LIVE4_NIC project - 'live' streaming video program made for the Night of the Cultural Institutes, Bucharest, ed. 8

2013 – ‘CUT-OUTS’ - video installation - "The city seen by the 80s generation" curator: Adrian Guță, Victoria Art Center, Bucharest, RO

2012 – BYOB - multichannel DVD video installation, MNAC–Anexa, București

2012 - WALL ART #14 - OtherSide - The Multimedia Show - Expirat Club, București

2011 – FRAGMENTARIUM – Project director. Producer: FORMAT Foundation – financed by: Administration of the National Cultural Fund, Romania (AFCN) Partners: National University of Arts, Bucharest (UNAB) and the OBLICA association – Stirbei Palace, Bucharest
FRAGMENTARIUM – is a multidisciplinary experiment oriented toward the "site-specific" performative area using the video medium. The project was carried out by a group of visual and choreographic artists.

2011 – correspondent - TV FORMAT (video-editorial project launched and developed by the Academy of Arts in Prague)

2011 - Caves - HD video installation – (11-14.04), Una Galeria, Bucuresti, curator Erwin Kessler.

2011 - Re:[Cave_Project]-secvences -HD video-installation – King’s College, London, UK, curator Erwin Kessler.

2010 - POV (point of view), HD video,”Badly Happy”, San Francisco, curator Erwin Kessler.

2010 – Places 2k4-10 (docu photo installation) UNAGaleria, Bucharest within the EXE project. Concept and curator: Alexandru Patatics, F O R M A T foundation, CNDB financier, National Dance Center, Bucharest, session 2010.

2010 – Scann – Photo Video Performance – CNDB, National Dance Center, Bucharest, sala ‘Ronda’, TNB.

2010 - Workshop poses - short RETROSPECTIVE, Alexandru Patatics SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATIONS SESSION OF F.A.D.D. (3rd edition), National University of Arts Bucharest, UNAB.

2009 TELE-VIZIUNI - "Martial Arts" video art - invited by Erwin Kessler - ICR - Romanian Cultural Institute, Bucharest. Presentation and video documentation of the personal artistic activity, as well as curation of student group projects.

2008 – "Romanian Week at Beijing 2008", "Bed" Beijing, China. Artist and curator of the exhibition with video works by artists: Nicu Ilfoveanu, Marilena Preda Sanc, Mateias Bogdan, Victor Velculescu, Bogdan Iorga, Alexandru Patatics, organized and supported by the Ministry of Culture and Cultelor, Romania

2007 – T_A_K_E_S – (performance) multi-channel wireless video project, Test Point, Bucharest
Art director, project manager T_A_K_E_S - Alexandru Patatics. An itinerary program, realized through the FORMAT Foundation, winner of the competition of the "Promocult" program of the Ministry of Culture and Religions (MCC) which allowed the realization and presentation of the project in 3 foreign countries - Hungary, Germany , Norway.
09.10.07 – T_A_K_E_S - multichannel video performance - Millenaris Jovo haza - Cultural Center in Budapest
14.10.07– T_A_K_E_S - multichannel video performance - Hochschule fur Musik und Theater in Hamburg
02.11.07 –T_A_K_E_S – DVD documentation - Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen Akademiet KHIB, Bergen, Norway

2006 – 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - V Body Generator, performative installation, sala Ronda, CNDB, Bucharesti, financed by CNDB and Pro Helvetia

2005 – “Demo Workshop” – video documentary - presentation, UAP Gallery, Bistrita, RO.

2004 – Black-Out – Alexandru Patatics - Galeria Nouă, București, Romania
Black-Out – Alexandru Patatics - Sorin Vreme, ‘punct’ Gallery, Timisoara, Romania

2003 – “Self-Portrait in the Wood” video – Galeria A + A, Veneția, Italia - Romanian video exhibition; also presented at Targu Mures, Romania

2002 – Insert “BALKON” – nr. 13 – print project, ‘Balkon’, contemporary art magazine, 12-page space, dedicated to the presentation of artists

2001 – CONTEXT - initiator and curator of the multimedia collaborative project "CONTEXT", designed for the Romanian pavilion within the biennale - Venice - 49 International Exhibition

2000 – "Transitionland" – ‘Projects -2000’, conceptual work, National Art Museum, Bucharest, Romania

2000 – "Transferatu" - video installation, ifa Gallery Berlin, Germany

2000 – "MEDZI" (between), media installation in the former Jesuit church, Skalice, Slovakia

2000 – "Communication Front", video-installation in Turkish bath, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

2000 – "Periferic 4", video installation, Art Museum of Iasi, Romania

1999 – "Net Condition", a version of the net media-video installation - 'Step to.. Word' Zentrum für Medientechnologie ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany

1999 – "48 Biennale di Venezia", video-installation, Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umaniste

1999 – "Projection", video-installation, UAP Galleries Targu Mures, România

1998 – "SEAFair'98", (workshop, presentantion) Soros Center for Contemporary Arts - Skopje, Macedonia

1998 – "Trans(it)formation", video-installation, Tranzit Foundation, Cluj, România

1997 – "ICC Biennale '97" Tokyo, ‘Step to.. Word’ - net media video-installation - Intercommunication Center, Japan

1997 – "Ad Hoc - Romanian art today", Ludwig Museum, Budapesta

1996 – "XXIII São Paulo Biennale", multimedia-installation, São Paulo, Brazil

1995 – "Among Others", installation with slide projectors, ‘window gallery’, Gent, Belgia

1995– "Unter Anderen-Among Others", ambiental interactive installation, Künstlerhaus, Dortmund, Germany

1995 – "Spotkania Krakowskie - Krakowian Meetings", video-installatie, BWA Gallery, Krakow, Poland

1994 – "Minima Media '94", interactive installation, Medienbienalle Lepzig, Germany

1993 – "Ex Oriente Lux", video-installatie, Galeriile Dalles, Bucharest, Romania

1993 – "East Europe Zone", ambiental installation with neon lights, Museum of Art, Timișoara, Romania


1999 – honorary scholarship awarded by ZKM "Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe" for the work carried out at "Net Condition", Karlsruhe, Germany

1994 - honorary scholarship awarded by ZKM "Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe", for the work carried out at "Medien Biennale Leipzig 94", Germany

1993 – "Ex Oriente Lux" prize, video installation exhibition, Dalles Galleries, Bucharest, Romania

Alexandru Patatics, Bucharest 2022