Alexandru Patatics

Welcome to my website.

Here you will find the latest news about ongoing projects, documentation, biography, bibliography, interviews and other information about my current works and interest.


‘Step to... Word’ - Alexandru Patatics - Internet-media & video Installation - "ICC Biennale '97" Tokyo, - Intercommunication Center, Japan (1997)


Latest news:

“9 Installations”

Alexandru Patatics’s retrospective installation art project /curated by Horea Avram, was selected to be produced for the National Museum of Contemporary Arts (MNAC) events, in 2020-2021


“9 Installations” is a sort of statement, as it proposes visionary projects that indicate not only the artist’s current artistic concerns, but also possible directions of technological exploration and conceptual approach in the sphere of new media.


Alexandru Patatics_Step to.. words - ICC_Biennale 97 Tokyo 1997.jpg

‘Step to... Word’

Internet-media & video Installation (video captures)
"ICC Biennale '97" Tokyo, - Intercommunication Center, Japan (1997)



Member of International Association of Art Critics (Association Internationale des Critiques d’Art, AICA)

Phd. Lecturer at photography and video art department of the National University of Arts (UNAB), Bucharest, Romania


Alexandru Patatics - media & video artist, Founder of Format Foundation, lecturer at National University of Arts, Bucharest, Member of International Association of Art Critics

“His artistic production has been focused on the most innovative and dynamic area of artistic research, media art projects and installations, where he has a pioneering role that have marked the history of recent art in Romania and which represent essential landmarks on the international media art map. His works have been presented in the most prestigious institutions at: Venice and Sao Paulo Biennale, ICC Tokyo or ZKM Karlsruhe – Center for Art and Media Culture.”



Main Art Events / Exhibitions —


"ICC Biennale '97" Tokyo

‘Step to.. Word’ - Internet-media & video installation - InterCommunication Center, Tokyo, Japan (1997)


“Venice - 49 International Exhibition”

CONTEXT - initiator & curator of the Romanian Pavilion colaborative media-art project at Giardini della Biennale Venice - 49 International Exhibition, Italy (2001)



‘Step to.. Word’ (new version) - Zentrum fur Medientechnologie ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany (1999)


“Ex Oriente Lux”

Titleless - video Installation, Dalles Halls, Bucharest, Romania (1993)


"Unter Anderen-Among Others"

‘Among Others’ - Interactive Sound Installation
Kunstlerhaus, Dortmund, Germany (1995)



“Black-Out” – strobe light Installation
‘punct’ gallery, Timisoara & “Galeria Noua”, Bucharest, Romania (2004)


"East Europe Zone"

‘Neon lights’ - Installation 1993 - Timisoara, Romania


"Minima Media Leipzig '94"

‘Work in Progress’ - sound, video & ambiental media Installation, Buntgarnwerke, Leipzig, Germany (1994)


"XXIII Sao Paulo Bienalle"

Sound & Digital Media Installation

"XXIII Sao Paulo Bienalle", Sao Paulo, Brazil (1996)


"Ad Hoc - Romanian art today"

'Insignifiant events' - video & photographic media Installation, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary (1997)


"6 Interventions" - Creative Fusion Event

CLEVELANDERS - Photographic Media (Platinum Palladium) & Video Documentary Art Project
ArtCraft Building, Cleveland USA (2015)


"MEDZI" (between)

"Teaspoonful" - video Installation
Jesuit Church, Skalice, Slovakia (2000)


„Romania Week Beijing 2008”

POV (point of view), multi-channel HD video
“Bed” Beijing, China (2008)


